Object Oriented Programming(OOPs)

Techno Freak
3 min readSep 20, 2022


Programming Paradigm in a Simplified manner

Object Oriented Programming is about creating objects that contain both data and methods. It simplifies software development and maintenance by providing specific concepts.


An object can be defined as an instance of a class.An object takes up space in memory and contains an address.An object contains an address and takes up some space in memory. Objects can communicate without knowing the details of each other’s data or code. Example : a human-being it is a object because it has features like color , name ,behaviour like talking,eating etc.


Collection of objects is called a class.No space is consumed by a class.


The object acquires the properties and the behaviour of the parent object(like a imitation) it is known as inheritance.


If you can derive a solution to a problem in no.of different ways then it is called as polymorphism.In Java, we use method overloading and method overriding to achieve polymorphism.Another example is example a tiger is roaring and a dog is barking etc.


Refers to the bundling of data ,along with the methods that operate on the data , into a single unit.As per the present programming trend many programming languages use encapsulation in the form of class.It is also used to prevent direct access to some of the components of the object, such that users cannot access state values for all of the variables of a particular object.


This is basically used to hide the implementation details.It is used to describe things in simple terms. Abstraction bridges the gaps between the application and the client programs. Example a microwave oven in the kitchen we press some buttons set the timer ,after few minutes delicious food is ready. The internal details are hidden from the end user.

Advantages of using OOPs Concepts

  1. The OOPs concepts lets us to divide the program into small problems so that each problem can be addressed at a time(to reach the final solution).
  2. Inheritance can be used to remove the unnecessary code and make use of the existing classes.
  3. Multiple instances of objects can co-exist without interfering with one another.


  1. OOPs can’t be used everywhere it is not universal. Its not appropriate for all the problems.
  2. Must have criteria , You need to have necessary programming skills to use the OOPs concepts (designing,sufficient planning) etc.

Basic Criteria for OOPs

Before jumping into courses or learning this concepts . Please select a particular OOPs programming language as a base to start . These include c++,Java,Python,.net,PHP,Javascript.

Online courses to learn OOPS concepts :

  1. Object-Oriented Programming in Python — DataCamp
  2. Learn Object-Oriented Programming in C++ — Educative
  3. Object Oriented Javascript — Treehouse
  4. Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals in C#
  5. Mastering Object-Oriented Programming in Java

Do check out the content on OOPs concepts Follow back for more such content . Happy exploring .



Techno Freak
Techno Freak

Written by Techno Freak

Devops &Full-Stack enthusiast . Helping People to learn about cloud and opensource . Learning bit by bit

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