Comparison of Cloud Servers
Aws EC2,Azure Virtual Machine, Google Compute Engine
Ever since the beginning of cloud technologies, the iconic virtual machines (VM) hosted in the cloud remains one of the top services and is responsible for the king’s share of the cloud expenditure.
There is a vast range of scenarios from web and app servers to highly sophisticated workloads for Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. Its like a fuel to run the engine.
As you can relate to the picture. These men are racing to win first in the race. Coming back to our big 3 Cloud Providers GCP,AWS,Azure. Consider the common scenarios. The company choosing the cloud provider will look at the monthly cost of VM (vCPUs,memory ,storage). When coming to production environment many factors contributes the total cost, like software licensing ,premium resources and support etc.
Scenario 1: Cost of the VMs
As the above table the cheaper cloud is Aws . Customer mostly will go for Aws VM if the companies are having budget as a criteria. Others might go for Azure and GCP people might think a bit looking at the cost.
Scenario 2 : Market share
As the graph shows the market share of the big 3 cloud providers. Some customers are driven by the market share and go for the one with a major cloud market . Since they have huge customer base with loads of services and reviews. Basically the efficiency of the environment migrated must be tested on all the 3 environments . To check for the efficiency and then decide to which cloud environment the customer can migrate .