Beginners Dive into Devops
Trending Buzzword in IT Industry
The word “Devops” basically Dev = development and ops = operations. What is DevOps example? Devops is the integration of development, testing and operations under a single culture. Devops is a methodology which is mainly meant to improve the software development lifecycle. Just imagine Devops as a infinite loop ,the iconic steps : plan,code,build,test,deploy,operate and monitor and feedback plan which resets the loop.
Writing a software maybe a piece of cake for the developers .But working of the software is another part of the story.Continous Integration and continuous development pipelines and automation the backbone to move code from one stage of development to another. Speedy delivery of apps into production the completion in the market. Intense focus on customer needs with short feedback loops.
Three important advantages of Devops :
:Collaboration — Friction is reduced and everyone is on the same goal and objectifies.
:Shorter Cycle Time — Frequent communication within teams shortens cycle time, faster code with better quality and speed.
:Responsiveness — More collaboration means more efficiency and better results.
Evert Devops engineer needs to have knowledge on the SDLC(software development lifecycle. Know at least one OOPS(Object oriented programming language), terraform (infra as a code), Monitoring tools like data dog,Nagios.
Ansible(configuration management ) , Jenkins a testing tool mostly used to create pipelines, GitHub actions, GitHub, good hold of OS(operating system concepts), Linux administration skills is must , Networking concepts is required to know the connectivity. Cloud knowledge is a must at least one of the three(GCP,AWS,Azure).